Radon Testing

Did you know that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US? Unfortunately, because radon is colorless, tasteless and odorless, it can linger inside your home at dangerous levels without you ever knowing. Luckily, that's where we step in. If you need radon testing services, turn to Primary Home Inspections, LLC. We offer home radon testing services throughout Rosedale, MD and the surrounding Baltimore area. We use high-end testing equipment, such as the E-PERM System, which is the most versatile radon measurement system on the market. You can also count on us to make recommendations and referrals for efficient treatment services.

Call (443) 600-3676 today to schedule home radon testing services with our expert.

  • Man checking the kitchen

What You Should Know About Radon Gas

Reach out to us now to learn more about our home radon testing services.

In addition to being colorless, odorless and flavorless, radon gas can penetrate almost any material. Radon gas is also: A greater risk to kids and young children, Naturally occurring and a radioactive element and Impossible to locate unless you accurately test for it.

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